Cloud Registry Management Platform » Architecture

CRMP was designed from the ground up to be scalable, fault-tolerant and highly available.

Horizontal Scalability

All components of the CRMP architecture are designed to scale horizontally making it the ideal platform to deploy in a cloud computing environment.

This extends from our front end EPP servers to our core database system. Typically, TLD operators use an RDBMS as their core database. While convenient, RDBMS’es are notoriously hard to scale. In contrast, CRMP employs clever partitioning techniques in a cluster of redundant database nodes, allowing us to scale indefinitely by adding more nodes on-the-fly.

Fault Tolerance

CRMP is composed of many loosely-coupled components communicating with each other using well-defined communication protocols. This loose coupling gives each component clearly bounded responsibilities and isolates its resource, service quality and security risks from other components.

Clean separation of concerns and the shared nothing architecture in critical components mean that a hardware fault in one component will not take down the entire registry.

High Availability

Borrowing proven architectural paradigms from telecommunication systems, the system has no single point of failure, and will continue to provide services even in the event of catastrophic disasters.

All CRMP components, from the front end EPP servers to application servers and databases on the back end, are load balanced and served by multiple instances in order to achieve high availability.

In our hosted offering, we employ a cold standby data center with a database mirrored in real time from the production site.